랭스트로스 벌통
package.lua 80번째 줄에서 Lua 오류: module 'Module:Namespace detect/data' not found.
현대 양봉에서 랭스트로스 벌통Langstroth hive은 수직으로 고정된 틀, 꿀벌 출입구가 있는 바닥판, 유충과 꿀을 위한 틀들이 있는 상자들,(맨 밑의 상자는 알을 낳을 여왕을 위한 상자고, 위의 상자들은 꿀을 저장하는 곳이다.) 궂은 날씨로부터 꿀벌을 보호하기 위한In modern beekeeping, a Langstroth hive is any vertically modular beehive that has the key features of vertically hung frames, a bottom board with entrance for the bees, boxes containing frames for brood and honey (the lowest box for the queen to lay eggs, and boxes above where honey may be stored) and an inner cover and top cap to provide weather protection.[1] In a Langstroth hive, the bees build honeycomb into frames, which can be moved with ease. The frames are designed to prevent bees from attaching honeycombs where they would either connect adjacent frames, or connect frames to the walls of the hive. 이동 가능한 틀 덕분에 양봉가들은 이전에는 불가능했던 방식으로 벌들을 관리할 수 있게 되었다.
벌집의 설계에 적용된 핵심적인 혁신은 "bee space", 벌들이 방을 짓지도, 프로폴리스를 함유한 반죽으로 틀어막지도 않는 스크립트 오류: "convert" 모듈이 없습니다. 사이의 공간의 발견이었다.
현대적인 랭스트로스 벌집은 이 1852년에 최초로 특허를 내고 1920년경까지 생산한 벌집하고는 다른 차원에 있지만, 벌들이 들락날락하기도 편하며 양봉가들이 벌집을 관리하기도 용이하도록 하는 bee space를 창출하는 주요 형태는 유지하고 있다.Modern Langstroth hives have different dimensions from L. L. Langstroth's beehive that was originally patented in 1852 and manufactured until approximately 1920, but retain the main features of allowing bee space as well as easy access which works well for the bees but also makes management of the beehive easier for the beekeeper.
세계 곳곳에서 사용되는 표준 벌집은 랭스트로스 벌집에 기반한다.
Prior to discovery of the dimensions of "bee space", bees were mostly hived in skeps (conical straw baskets) or gums (hollowed-out logs which approximated the natural dwellings of bees), or in box hives (a thin-walled wooden box with no internal structure).
1851년에 필라델피아 토박이인 Lorenzo Lorraine Langstroth (1810–1895) 주교는 벌들이 이동할 수 있는 스크립트 오류: "convert" 모듈이 없습니다.와 스크립트 오류: "convert" 모듈이 없습니다. 사이의 공간이 있다면 벌들은 공간을 벌집방을 지어 메꾸지도, 프로폴리스가 함유된 시멘트로 메꾸지도 않는다고 기술했다. 이러한 기준은 "Bee space"라고 불린다.
랭스트로스는 1851년 여름에 이 개념을 에 적용했지만 그는 그해 가을에 ""를 벌들이 벌집 상자 내부의 벌집방에 접촉하는 것을 막도록 새롭게 설계된 틀에 적용할 수 있다는 것을 깨달았다.Langstroth applied the concept to keeping the lid free on a top-bar hive, but in autumn of the same year, he realized that the "bee space" could be applied to a newly designed frame which would prevent the bees from attaching honeycomb to the inside of the hive box. This attachment of comb to the hive wall was a difficulty with frameless designs, such as Dzierżon's frameless movable-comb hive (1835). US Patent 9300 was issued to Langstroth on October 25, 1852, and remained valid despite numerous attempts to challenge it based on its alleged use of prior art.
랭스트로스는 이밖에도 양봉에 관한 다양한 발견을 해냈고 현대적인 양봉의 산업화에 지대한 공헌을 했다.
특히 1789년의 François Huber 등의 다른 발명가들은 had designed hives with frames (the so-called leafe or book hive),[2] but Langstroth's hive was a practical movable frame hive, which overcame the tendency of the bees to fill empty spaces with comb and to cement smaller spaces together with propolis. In contrast to August von Berlepsch's frame-movable side-opened hive (May 1852, Germany), Langstroth's hive was top-opened, as was the Bevan top-bar hive (1848, UK). These combined adaptations led to the Langstroth hive design being preferred by beekeepers over all others, and his hive is used throughout the world.
랭스트로스는 후에, 오늘날 흔히 The Hive and the Honey Bee나 2004년에 재간행된 Langstroth's Hive and the Honey-Bee: The Classic Beekeeper's Manual이라는 제목으로 알려진 A Practical Treatise on the Hive and Honey-Bee[3] 라는 책을 출간했다. 랭스트로스는 이 책에서 오늘날에 알려진 바와 같은 현대적인 벌집의 적절한 크기와 활용을 묘사했다. 랭스트로스의 책은 1900년 즈음까지 몇 번씩 개정되었지만, 삽화의 벌집은 원래의 설계와 동일했다.
"Bee space"[편집]
Dr. Jan Dzierżon, a Polish apiarist and Roman Catholic priest, had in the year 1835 determined the correct spacing for the top-bars in beehives. The distance between combs had been described as 스크립트 오류: "convert" 모듈이 없습니다. from the center of one top-bar to the center of the next one. In this case, the distance between combs is 스크립트 오류: "convert" 모듈이 없습니다.; that is, twice the minimum "bee space" of 스크립트 오류: "convert" 모듈이 없습니다..[4] This setup had been established for the brood chamber, as for honey storage the comb distance can be different. Later, in 1848, Dzierżon introduced grooves into his hives' side walls, to replace the strips of wood that the top-bars had earlier been hung from.[5] The grooves were 스크립트 오류: "convert" 모듈이 없습니다., a dimension intermediate between 스크립트 오류: "convert" 모듈이 없습니다., the lower and upper limits of "bee space" as understood now. 스크립트 오류: "convert" 모듈이 없습니다. is the usual size meant when "bee space" is referred to.
In Europe, both Dzierżon and fellow apiarist Baron August von Berlepsch had been focused on side-opened hives. Land resources for beekeeping was limited, and traditionally multiple bee hives had been kept in a single beehouse. The so-called "bee space" had been incorporated by Berlepsch into his frame arrangement (Bienen-Zeitung, May 1852) following Dzierżon's discovery that grooves added to inner walls remained free of propolis (1848). Thus, the correct distance between frame side-bar and hive wall was already understood by some European beekeepers prior to 1851.
Langstroth's patent of 5 October 1852 adopted 스크립트 오류: "convert" 모듈이 없습니다. between the side bars of a frame and hive wall, and also reserved rights to use the distance 스크립트 오류: "convert" 모듈이 없습니다. between top-bars and inner cover, the latter of which represents a gap larger than optimal. The term "bee space" was coined later than Langstroth's 1852 patent.
Langstroth may have been aware of Dzierżon's discoveries prior to submitting his patent application. In the summer of 1851, he was introduced to Dzierżon's work by Samuel Wagner, who had visited Dzierżon in his apiaries in Silesia and subscribed to Bienen-Zeitung, the journal in which Dzierżon published his apiarian works, and who had translated Theorie und Praxis, ... from the German language original (though the translation was never published). Langstroth expressed great respect for Jan Dzierżon, saying that "No words can express the absorbing interest with which I devoured this work. I recognized at once its author as the Great Master of modern apiculture".[6]}}
원래의 랭스트로스 벌통은portico entrance, 통합된 층, 제거할 수 없는 brood box, brood box에서 연장된 바깥의 box의 안에 있는, brood box와 동일한 크기의 틀을 사용하는 하나의 제거 가능한 honey box, 경첩이 달린 지붕이 존재했다.
랭스트로스는 꿀벌이 방을 짓는 틀이 벌통에서 쉽게 분리될 수 있도록 만들었기 때문에, 틀을 빼내기 위해 벌집방을 훼손할 필요가 없다. 보통 양봉가들이 이러한 벌통에서 틀을 제거할 때 제일 자주 마주치는 문제는 벌들이 틀을 벌들이 휴식을 취하는 받침대에 고정하기 위해 프로폴리스를 사용하는 습성에서 비롯된다. 벌집방을 손쉽게 제거하고 대체할 수 있게 되었기 때문에, 양봉가들이 모든 벌집을 규칙적이고 실용성 있게 점검할 수 있게 되었다. 이러한 질병이나 기생충, 임박한 무리짓기, 여왕벌의 노화 등등의 징후의 점검은 벌을 잘 기르는 데 필수적이다.
랭스트로스 벌통은 위에서 아래 순으로 다음과 같이 구성된다:
- telescoping cover or migratory cover
- inner cover
- one or more hive bodies or honey supers made of wood, polystyrene, or other plastic
- (optional) queen excluder between brood box and honey supers
- eight to ten frames, made of wood or plastic, per hive body or honey super
- (optional) foundation made of wax and wires or plastic
- bottom board, with optional entrance reducer
This is a wooden or polystyrene cover that fits on the top of the hive. In higher latitudes (further north in the Northern Hemisphere; further south in the Southern Hemisphere), a cover which telescopes down around the inner cover and an inch or so down over the top super, called a telescoping cover, is usually used. Many commercial beekeepers use what is known as a migratory cover, a solid cover which does not extend beyond the sides of a hive body.[7]
The inner cover provides a barrier between the telescoping cover and the bees. In more temperate climates, a plastic foil may be used as an inner cover. Plastic foil should not be used to winter bees under, as trapped condensation would cause the hive to become wet, and bees can be lost due to freezing when temperatures fall during the night. In areas with a hot summer, a solid inner cover with a communication hole provides dead-air space for insulation against both heat and cold. This prevents the bees from gluing the top cover to the top bars of the super under it. When an inner cover is used, the top cover is more easily removed from the hive. Notches in the frame of the solid inner cover and telescoping cover can serve as an upper entrance for the bees. A communication hole in the middle allows bees to reach emergency food placed above by the beekeeper if it becomes required.
Hive body and hive super[편집]
Hive bodies and hive supers are rectangular boxes with relatively standardised dimensions, but with variations between countries and regions. [8]Outside box dimensions also vary depending on the type of material used; for example polystyrene boxes have much larger outside dimensions than boxes made out of wood.
Three heights of boxes are standard: Deep, Medium and Shallow. Deep and medium hive bodies are provided for the brood chamber. Medium and shallow supers are used for honey stores. The frames rest on a rabbeted side along both ends of each box.
The deep hive body is normally used only for brood, as it becomes too heavy to handle manually if it becomes filled with honey. Shallow supers are not ideal for the brood chamber of the hive because the bees need to form a single compact sphere during the cold winter months — a sphere that can expand and contract without being divided by a horizontal plane in the middle caused by the gaps between combs in multiple hive bodies. Commercial operations usually use one or two deep hive bodies for brood, and additional shallow boxes for honey supers. Some hobbyists prefer to standardise on all "medium".
Type | Depth | Frame length | Frame depth | Frame width |
Deep body | 스크립트 오류: "convert" 모듈이 없습니다. | 스크립트 오류: "convert" 모듈이 없습니다. | 스크립트 오류: "convert" 모듈이 없습니다. | 스크립트 오류: "convert" 모듈이 없습니다. |
Medium (Illinois) super | 스크립트 오류: "convert" 모듈이 없습니다. | 스크립트 오류: "convert" 모듈이 없습니다. | 스크립트 오류: "convert" 모듈이 없습니다. | 스크립트 오류: "convert" 모듈이 없습니다. |
Shallow super | 스크립트 오류: "convert" 모듈이 없습니다. | 스크립트 오류: "convert" 모듈이 없습니다. | 스크립트 오류: "convert" 모듈이 없습니다. | 스크립트 오류: "convert" 모듈이 없습니다. |
Comb super | 스크립트 오류: "convert" 모듈이 없습니다. | 스크립트 오류: "convert" 모듈이 없습니다. | 스크립트 오류: "convert" 모듈이 없습니다. | 스크립트 오류: "convert" 모듈이 없습니다. |
The hive body or hive super holds 8 to 10 frames that are standardized in length. The frames hold the foundation and the honeycomb that is built on it.
Hive equipment manufacturers will often produce bodies and supers that vary from other manufacturers though the differences are generally 1/8th of an inch or less. The following table includes interior dimensions and volumes for the 5, 8, and 10 frame shallow, medium, and deep bodies/supers.
Type | Depth | Interior length | Interior Width | Volume (Cubic Inches) | Volume (Liters) |
10 Frame Deep body | 스크립트 오류: "convert" 모듈이 없습니다. | 스크립트 오류: "convert" 모듈이 없습니다. | 스크립트 오류: "convert" 모듈이 없습니다. | 2608.68 | 42.75 |
10 Frame Medium body/super | 스크립트 오류: "convert" 모듈이 없습니다. | 스크립트 오류: "convert" 모듈이 없습니다. | 스크립트 오류: "convert" 모듈이 없습니다. | 1795.58 | 29.42 |
10 Frame Shallow super | 스크립트 오류: "convert" 모듈이 없습니다. | 스크립트 오류: "convert" 모듈이 없습니다. | 스크립트 오류: "convert" 모듈이 없습니다. | 1541.49 | 25.26 |
8 Frame Deep body | 스크립트 오류: "convert" 모듈이 없습니다. | 스크립트 오류: "convert" 모듈이 없습니다. | 스크립트 오류: "convert" 모듈이 없습니다. | 2166.53 | 35.50 |
8 Frame Medium body/super | 스크립트 오류: "convert" 모듈이 없습니다. | 스크립트 오류: "convert" 모듈이 없습니다. | 스크립트 오류: "convert" 모듈이 없습니다. | 1491.25 | 24.44 |
8 Frame Shallow super | 스크립트 오류: "convert" 모듈이 없습니다. | 스크립트 오류: "convert" 모듈이 없습니다. | 스크립트 오류: "convert" 모듈이 없습니다. | 1280.22 | 20.98 |
5 Frame Deep body | 스크립트 오류: "convert" 모듈이 없습니다. | 스크립트 오류: "convert" 모듈이 없습니다. | 스크립트 오류: "convert" 모듈이 없습니다. | 1370.66 | 22.46 |
5 Frame Medium body/super | 스크립트 오류: "convert" 모듈이 없습니다. | 스크립트 오류: "convert" 모듈이 없습니다. | 스크립트 오류: "convert" 모듈이 없습니다. | 943.44 | 15.46 |
5 Frame Shallow super | 스크립트 오류: "convert" 모듈이 없습니다. | 스크립트 오류: "convert" 모듈이 없습니다. | 스크립트 오류: "convert" 모듈이 없습니다. | 809.94 | 13.27 |
Dimensions are based on,[9][10]
Specialty parts[편집]
The Cloake board, also known as the "bottom-without-a-bottom", is a specialty piece of hive equipment that is installed between two hive bodies of the brood nest. It allows the beekeeper to insert a sliding metal or wood panel, which will split the hive into two parts without having to lift the hive boxes, the objective being to split a single hive into two independent hives.
격왕판은 대개 와이어나 플라스틱으로 만드는, 일벌은 사이를 지나갈 수 있지만 여왕은 (일반적으로는) 지나갈 수 없는 그물망이다. it is generally placed between the hive body and the honey supers. The purpose of the queen excluder is to keep the queen from laying eggs in the honey supers, which can lead to darker honey and can also complicate extraction. Many beekeepers reject the use of queen excluders, however, claiming that they create a barrier for workers and result in lower levels of honey collection and storage.[출처 필요]
A feeder is most often used to feed granulated sugar or sugar syrup at times of the year when no, or not enough, nectar flow is available from natural sources to meet the hive's needs. There are various styles. Division board feeders have a shape similar to that of the frame, and hang inside the hive body in the same manner as a frame. Entrance feeders are wedged into the hive entrance on the bottom board with an inverted container of feed. Hive-top feeders have the same footprint as the hive body and are placed on top of the hive, but underneath the telescoping cover. Other hive-top feeders consist of an inverted container with small holes in the lid, which are placed either directly on top of the frames, or on top of the hole in the inner cover.
An "escape board" is placed between the brood boxes and the supers to clear the supers of most of the bees. The escape board lets bees exit the supers into other areas of the hive, but makes it difficult for the bees to re-enter the supers. There are several different designs.
- USPatent|9300—L.L. Langstroth's patent for a Bee hive from Oct. 5, 1852
- USPatent|9300—L.L. Langstroth's patent for a Bee hive Reissued from May 26, 1863
참고 문서[편집]
- ↑ 스크립트 오류: "citation/CS1" 모듈이 없습니다.
- ↑ Huber, François New Observations on the Natural History of Bees, 1806. (English translation as published) Retrieved from transcribed copy at [1], 21 November 2011; scanned copy also available at [2] as of 21 November 2011.
- ↑ Langstroth, L.L. A Practical Treatise on the Hive and Honey-Bee, 1878
- ↑ Bienen-Zeitung, November 1845 & January 1847, Frauendorfer Blätter (11) 1846
- ↑ Bienen-Zeitung, January 1850
- ↑ "Reminiscences" Gleanings in Bee Culture XXI, 116-118
- ↑ gobeekeeping, Basic Beekeeping — The Modern Hive Archived 2004-12-23 - 웨이백 머신., The Modern Hive, Stahlman Apiaries. Accessed 19 July 2010.
- ↑ The Langstroth Bee Hive: http://www.dave-cushman.net/bee/lang.html
- ↑ http://www.beesource.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/10frlang.pdf
- ↑ http://www.michiganbees.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Hive-Bodies_20110323.pdf
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