모 드라보스키
package.lua 80번째 줄에서 Lua 오류: module 'Module:Namespace detect/data' not found.
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1988년 마이너 리그 코치 시절의 모습 | ||||
기본 정보 | ||||
국적 | 미국 | |||
생년월일 | 1935년 7월 21일 | |||
출신지 | 폴란드 오잔나 | |||
사망일 | 2006년 6월 10일 | (70세)|||
사망지 | 미국 아칸소주 리틀록 | |||
신장 | 190 cm | |||
체중 | 86 kg | |||
선수 정보 | ||||
투구·타석 | 우투우타 | |||
수비 위치 | 투수 | |||
프로 입단 연도 | 년 | |||
첫 출장 | MLB / 1956년 8월 7일 카운티 스타디움 CHC 대 MIL 전 | |||
마지막 경기 | MLB / 1972년 9월 19일 오클랜드–알라메다 카운티 콜리시엄 CWS 대 OAK 전 | |||
획득 타이틀 |
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경력 | ||||
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마이런 월터 드라보스키(package.lua 80번째 줄에서 Lua 오류: module 'Module:Langname/data' not found.: Myron Walter Drabowsky, 1935년 7월 21일~2006년 6월 10일)는 미국의 프로 야구 선수로, 포지션은 투수였다. 메이저 리그 베이스볼(MLB)의 시카고 컵스, 밀워키 브레이브스, 신시내티 레즈, 캔자스시티 애슬레틱스, 볼티모어 오리올스, 캔자스시티 로열스, 세인트루이스 카디널스, 시카고 화이트삭스 등지에서 뛰었으며, 우투우타였다. 짓궂은 장난꾼으로 유명했던 드라보스키는 동료의 로커에 뱀을 놓아 둔다던가 상대 팀의 불펜에 전화해 몸을 풀라고 이야기하는 등 기행을 일삼은 선수였다.
폴란드의 유대인 가정에서 태어나, 1938년 미국으로 이민을 왔다. 고등학교와 대학 시절 투수로서 잠재력을 보였고 시카고 컵스와 보너스 베이비로 계약했다. 1956년 컵스 유니폼을 입고 데뷔했으며, 본격적인 루키 시즌이었던 다음해 내셔널 리그 탈삼진 부문 2위를 차지했다. 1958년에는 스탠 뮤지얼의 3,000번째 안타 허용 투수가 되며, 같은 해 팔 부상을 당하며 어려움을 겪기도 했다. 이후 2년 더 컵스에 몸담았다가 밀워키 브레이브스로 트레이드되었다. 1961년과 1962년에는 밀워키를 비롯해 신시내티 레즈, 캔자스시티 애슬레틱스 등을 거쳤고, 1965년 시즌까지 캔자스시티에 정착했다. 여러 차례 팀을 옮겨 다닌 기간 동안 마이너 리그에 몇 차례 강등을 경험했으며, 메이저 리그에 있을 때는 선발투수로 뛰면서 가장 낮은 평균자책점(ERA)를 기록했던 1963년을 제외하고는 선발 로테이션과 불펜 사이를 왔다갔다했다. 1963년 얼리 윈의 300승 달성 경기 당시 패전투수이기도 했다. 1965년 시즌 이후 룰 5 드래프트를 통해 볼티모어 오리올스로 이적했다.
Once in Baltimore, Drabowsky was used almost exclusively as a relief pitcher. After three starts in 1966, he pitched only in relief the rest of his career. He became a part of one of the best bullpens in the major leagues and posted ERAs of 2.80, 1.60, and 1.91 during his first three years with the club. The Orioles won the American League (AL) pennant in 1966, and in Game 1 of the 1966 World Series, Drabowsky relieved an ineffective Dave McNally with the bases loaded and one out in the third inning. Though he walked a batter to let in a run, he finished the inning with the Orioles leading 4–2, and he threw six scoreless innings after it to preserve the Game 1 victory. The Orioles swept the Los Angeles Dodgers in four games.
Drabowsky was selected by the Kansas City Royals in the expansion draft after the 1968 season. He won their first game in franchise history and led the AL in wins for relief pitchers, with 11. In 1970, he was traded back to Baltimore, where he won his second World Series, this one against the Reds. He pitched for the St. Louis Cardinals in 1971 and 1972 before finishing out his career with the Chicago White Sox that year.
After his career, Drabowsky worked for an envelope company and a communications firm until the 1980s, when increased salaries for coaches allowed him to support himself in baseball. He was the pitching coach for the White Sox in 1986, then for several of their minor league teams. Later, he served as the pitching coach for the Cubs in 1994, before rejoining the Orioles as their minor league pitching instructor in Florida. He died June 10, 2006, at the age of 70.
출생과 성장[편집]
Moe was born Mirosław Drabowski in Ozanna, a village in southern Poland, located near Leżajsk, and was Jewish.[1] His mother was an American citizen.[2][3] The two fled to the U.S. in 1938 when Adolf Hitler began mobilizing in Eastern Europe. His father joined them a year later, and the family settled in Wilson, Connecticut, a village in the town of Windsor, just north of Hartford.[4][5]
Growing up in Connecticut, Drabowsky was an avid Boston Red Sox fan. His favorite player was Bobby Doerr, and he wanted to be a second baseman too, but he was converted to a pitcher by his prep school coach, who observed he had a good arm.[6] Drabowsky went to the Loomis Prep School, now Loomis Chaffee School, in Windsor where he had an 8–0 record with a no-hitter his senior year.
He later attended Trinity College in Hartford, where he studied economics. He had an academic scholarship to study at the school until he started partying too much in a fraternity. While at Trinity, he studied economics and played for their varsity baseball team, with whom he also threw a no-hitter.[7][5] He played summers in Canada, in the Halifax and District League, for the Truro Bearcats. While with Truro, he caught the eye of former Chicago Cubs shortstop Lenny Merullo in 1956, who signed him to play for the Cubs that year. Sources differ on the exact amount of the contract, but Drabowsky himself said it was for $75,000 ($틀:Inflation today).[5][8] This made Drabowsky a bonus baby, meaning the Cubs would have to keep him in the major leagues for two full seasons or expose him to waivers.[5]
선수 경력[편집]
시카고 컵스 (1956~60)[편집]
드라보스키는 21세가 된지 얼마 지나지 않은 시점인 1956년 8월 7일에 메이저 리그에 데뷔했다.[7] 소속팀 시카고 컵스가 밀워키 브레이브스에 6–1로 패배한 경기에서 구원 등판해 무실점 피칭을 했다.[9] Eleven days later, pitching coach Dutch Leonard asked Drabowsky, "How would you like to do some throwing tonight?” "I'd like it," Drabowsky responded. “Then you’re starting against the Cardinals tonight.” Pitching into the eighth inning, Drabowsky held the St. Louis Cardinals to one run, picking up his first major league victory.[5] He continued to make starts for the Cubs the rest of the year and finished the season with a 2–4 record, a 2.47 earned run average (ERA), and 36 strikeouts in 51 innings pitched.[7]
1957년 시즌, 컵스의 2선발을 꿰찬 드라보스키는 7월 4일까지 4승 8패, 5.04의 평균자책점을 기록했으나, 그 이후부터 시즌 마지막 경기에 이르기까지 9승 7패, 2.51의 평균자책점을 기록했다.[10] 이해 제구력 문제가 화두로 떠올랐는데, 예시로 6월 2일 신시내티 레드레그스와의 경기에서 3 2⁄3이닝 동안 네 타자(시간이 흐른 후 팀 동료가 되는 프랭크 로빈슨을 상대로 두 차례 포함)에게 몸에 맞은 공을 허용하며 메이저 리그 타이 기록을 세우기도 했다.[5] 8월 4일 피츠버그 파이리츠와의 더블헤더 첫 경기에서는 6–0 완봉승을 거두었다.[11] 9월 4일 신시내티와의 더블헤더 첫 경기에서는 2피안타만을 허용하며 점수 1–0으로 시즌 두 번째 완봉승을 거두었다.[12] 시즌 최종 성적은 13승 15패[7] 170탈삼진으로, 180탈삼진을 기록한 필라델피아 필리스의 루키 잭 샌포드에 이어 팀 동료 딕 드로트와 함께 내셔널 리그 탈삼진 부문 공동 2위를 차지했다. 선발 등판한 경기가 33경기로 내셔널 리그에서 4번째(루 버데트, 잭 샌포드와 동률)로 많았고, 239 2⁄3이닝을 던져 이 부문 내셔널 리그 6위, 12완투로 이 부문 내셔널 리그 8위(브룩스 로런스, 돈 뉴컴과 동률)에 이름을 올렸다.[13] 또한 10개의 몸에 맞은 공을 허용해 이 부문 리그 1위에 올랐다.[7]
1958년, 드라보스키는 인후병과 미국 육군 예비군 복무 때문에 5월 1일 전까지 경기를 뛰지 못했다.[5] 시즌 두 번째 선발 등판이 있던 카디널스와의 5월 13일 경기에서, 드라보스키는 6회초에 대타 스탠 뮤지얼을 상대로 커브를 던지다 2루타를 맞았는데, 이 안타가 뮤지얼의 통산 3,000번째 안타였다.[5][14] 드라보스키는 그해 7월 11일 이전까지 8승 7패, 3.80의 평균자책점을 기록하고 있었고, 7월 11일 피츠버그 파이리츠와의 경기 중에 자신의 팔꿈치에서 무언가가 뚝하고 끊어지는 소리를 들었다. 그 소리를 들은 다음 이닝에 드라보스키는 5실점을 했고, 이후 선발 등판을 한 차례 걸렀으며, 다시 선발 등판한 경기에서 채 1이닝을 채우지 못하고 휴식을 취해야 했다. 드라보스키는 "처음에는 치료에 팔이 반응을 보였어요. 그러고 나서 다시 문제가 생겼습니다. 저는 팔꿈치를 조심히 다루기 위해 어깨를 무리하게 썼죠. 한 가지 일이 또 다른 일로 이어졌어요."라고 말했다.[5][lower-alpha 1] 이후 드라보스키는 8월에 네 차례 선발 등판을 하며 분투했지만 결국 이달을 마지막으로 시즌을 마감해야 했다.[5][15] 이해 시즌 최종 성적은 9승 11패, 평균자책점 4.51, 77탈삼진이었다. 전년도보다 114이닝이나 적은 이닝을 투구했지만, 홈런은 지난해보다 3개 적은 19개를 허용했다.[7]
1959년 시즌의 컵스 선발 로테이션에서 자리를 잡기 위해 애썼던 드라보스키는 지난해보다 별로 성적이 나아지지 않았다. 이해 최고의 피칭은 8월 7일 파이리츠와의 경기에서 있었는데, 이날 상대 팀을 5피안타로 막고 완봉승을 거두었다.[16] 시즌 최종 성적은 31경기(23선발) 출전, 5승 10패를 거뒀으며, 작년보다 더 많은 141 2⁄3이닝을 던졌고 평균자책점은 지난해보다 하락한 4.13이었다. 탈삼진 개수는 작년보다 7개 줄었다.[7]
1960년 스프링 트레이닝에서 드라보스키의 팔은 완전히 회복되었다.[17] 하지만 시즌 중에는 대부분 구원 투수로 기용되었고, 7월 4일에 평균자책점은 9.70까지 올라갔다.[18] 이로 인해 드라보스키는 처음으로 마이너 리그 강등을 경험해야 했는데, 트리플 A인 아메리칸 어소시에이션의 휴스턴 버프스에 합류하게 되었다. 휴스턴에서 드라보스키는 다섯 번의 선발 등판에서 모두 승리를 따냈으며 평균자책점은 불과 0.90을 마크했고, 8월에 다시 메이저의 부름을 받았다.[18][19] 컵스로 복귀 후 더 나은 성적을 보였고, 시즌 마지막 11경기에서 4.03의 평균자책점을 기록했다.[18] 이해 시즌 최종 성적은 32경기(7선발) 출전, 50 1⁄3이닝 동안 3승 1패, 평균자책점 6.44, 26탈삼진이었다.[7]
밀워키 브레이브스, 신시내티 레즈, 그리고 캔자스시티 애슬레틱스 (1961~65)[편집]
At the end of spring training in 1961, the Cubs decided no longer required Drabowsky and traded him along with Seth Morehead to the Milwaukee Braves for Daryl Robertson and Andre Rodgers.[7] Milwaukee did not have room for him in their rotation, though, and used him exclusively in relief, where he had an 0–2 record and a 4.62 ERA in 16 games.[7] After Drabowsky gave up four runs in the sixth inning of a 10–8 loss to the Cincinnati Reds on June 8, Milwaukee banished him to the minor leagues and never bothered to call him up again the rest of the season.[20] He finished the year pitching for the Louisville Colonels of the American Association, where in 20 games (nine starts), he had a 9–6 record but a 4.75 ERA, with 54 strikeouts in 106 innings pitched.[19] Milwaukee left him unprotected from the Rule 5 draft after the season, and he was selected by Cincinnati.[19] He started 1962 with the Reds, who used him both as a starter and a reliever. In 23 games for them (10 starts) through August 4, he went 2–6 for them with a 4.99 ERA.[21] On August 13, the Kansas City Athletics acquired him for cash.[7] He appeared in 10 games (three starts) for Kansas City the rest of the year, going 1–1 with a 5.14 ERA.[21] Drabowsky's combined stats on the season were a 3–7 record, a 5.03 ERA, and 75 strikeouts in 33 games (13 starts).[7]
Kansas City sent Drabowsky to the Triple-A Portland Beavers of the Pacific Coast League to start the 1963 season; most of his appearances were in relief (19 games, 2 starts) but after going 5–1 with a 2.13 ERA, he got called up to the major league club in June.[19][22] Back in the majors, he was used as a starter once again. He lost his first six decisions, then went 7–7 the rest of the year to finish 1963 with a 7–13 record.[23] One of the losses from the losing streak was notable; it was the 300th win for Early Wynn, on July 13.[5][24] Despite the losing numbers, he had a very good 3.05 ERA and topped one hundred strikeouts for the first time since his rookie year, making the 1963 season a resurgence.[7][22]
Drabowsky's 1964 season got off to a good start, as he pitched into the eighth inning in his first start and gave up just one run in a 3–1 victory over the Washington Senators. After that, he would lose seven decisions in a row before getting another win on June 8 (again against the Senators). He pitched out of the bullpen for a few games in June; by the end of July, he was being used almost exclusively as a reliever.[25] Drabowsky appeared in the most games of his career that season (53), starting 21 times and logging 168 1⁄3 innings. He struck out 119, the most since his rookie season. However, his record was 5–13, and his ERA was 5.29, a jump from the 3.05 mark the year before.[7]
Despite the losing record and the high ERA the year before, Drabowsky was Kansas City's Opening Day starter in 1965. He went 0–3 with a 5.55 ERA in his first five starts before getting sent to the bullpen, then demoted to the Athletics' Triple-A affiliate, now the Vancouver Mounties, halfway through June.[26] Drabowsky was not called back up, finishing the season in Vancouver. In 14 games (five starts) with Kansas City, he had a 1–5 record and a 4.42 ERA.[7] In 17 games (12 starts) with Vancouver, he had an 8–2 record with a 2.44 ERA and 85 strikeouts in 96 innings—his time in Vancouver would be the last time he ever pitching in the minor leagues.[19] After the 1965 season, Baseball-Reference reports that the St. Louis Cardinals purchased his contract from Kansas City on an unknown date.[7] The Society for American Baseball Research reports merely that the Cardinals were interested in selecting him in the Rule 5 Draft from Kansas City but ultimately never got a chance to select him.[5] Either way, he would not pitch for the Cardinals in 1966, as the Baltimore Orioles took him in the Rule 5 Draft on November 29, 1965.[7]
볼티모어 오리올스 (1966~68)[편집]
볼티모어 오리올스로의 트레이드는 드라보스키의 커리어에 있어 전환점이 되었다. It was here that he became a full-time relief pitcher; after making three starts for the Orioles in August 1966, Drabowsky would never start a game again over his final six years in the major leagues.[7][27] With teammates Stu Miller, Dick Hall, and Eddie Fisher, Drabowsky was a part of one of the best bullpens of the 1960s.[5][28][29]
Though Drabowsky was part of the Orioles' roster to begin the 1966 season, he was only used nine times in the team's first 37 games, and he had a 3.94 ERA.[27] At the end of May, he asked pitching coach Harry Breechen if he could throw once every two nights.[5] Pitching more frequently from that time forth, Drabowsky's ERA fell to 2.59 over his final 35 games.[27] Bullpen coach Sherm Lollar speculated joining the Orioles gave Drabowsky new confidence. "We were a contender and could support his pitching."[5] Drabowsky finished the year with six wins, no losses, a 2.81 ERA, and seven saves. He struck out 96 in 98 innings pitched as the Orioles won the American League (AL) pennant, sending Drabowsky to the playoffs for the first time in his career.[7]
In the opening game of the 1966 World Series against the Los Angeles Dodgers, Drabowsky entered the game in the third inning with one out and the bases loaded after starter Dave McNally was taken out of the game. After striking out the first batter, he walked Jim Gilliam to force in Lou Johnson for a run to cut Baltimore's lead to 4–2. That would be the last run the Dodgers scored in the entire series, however, as the Orioles would sweep them 4–0, the Orioles' next three wins coming on shutouts from Jim Palmer, Wally Bunker, and McNally.[30][31] Drabowsky set a one-game World Series record for relievers by striking out 11 batters, and he tied Hod Eller's 47-year record of six consecutive fans in the 1919 World Series.[8][32]
Over the next two seasons, Drabowsky continued to perform excellently in relief. In 1967, he was one of the few Oriole pitchers to repeat his success from the season before.[33] Struggles by Stu Miller, who had gotten most of the Oriole saves a year before, allowed Drabowsky to be the team's primary closer.[7][33][34] Drabowsky got off to a 6–0 start, with a mere six earned runs allowed through his first 25 games of the year. Beginning with his first loss July 28, Drabowsky would finish out the year with a 1–5 record, and his ERA would rise to 3.45 in his final 18 games.[35] Still, Drabowsky finished the year 7–6, with a 1.60 ERA. He struck out 96 in 95 2⁄3 innings pitched and was tied for seventh in the AL with 12 saves, the only season in his career that he finished in the Top 10 of a league in saves.[7]
Drabowsky did not allow a run in 1968 until his tenth game of the year.[36] For the second year in a row, he posted an ERA under 2.00 (1.91).[7] He threw 61 1⁄3 innings in 45 games, and he had a 4–4 record with seven saves and 46 strikeouts.[7] MLB added four clubs for the 1969 season, however, and Drabowsky was one of the few veterans selected by the Kansas City Royals in the expansion draft, ending his first stint with the Orioles.[37]
커리어 후반[편집]
Back in Kansas City, Drabowsky negotiated with his new club for a raise before signing his contract on February 28, 1969.[38][39] He won the first-ever game in Royals' history, pitching a scoreless 12th on April 8 against the Minnesota Twins in a 4–3 victory.[40] The win was the first of many for Drabowsky that season; he led all AL relief pitchers in 1969 with 11 victories.[41] Additionally, he saved 11 games and finished 37 games (7th in the league). He threw 98 innings in 52 appearances and had a 2.94 ERA.[7]
Drabowsky started 1970 with the Royals again. He spent time in the hospital after an averse reaction to medication, presumably during a stretch in May where he had 12 days off.[5][42] On June 15, he saw on the out-of-town scoreboard that the Orioles' pitchers had struggled late in a game against the Milwaukee Brewers and speculated that the team would be wanting some bullpen help.[5] He was reacquired by the Orioles for Bobby Floyd that same day before the trade deadline.[43] "I always knew I'd come back to the Orioles someday," he said.[44] He made 21 appearances for the Orioles the rest of the season, finishing the year with a 5–4 record, a 3.52 ERA, and 59 strikeouts in 69 innings pitched in 45 games between Kansas City and Baltimore.[7] The Orioles won the AL East, and Drabowsky was a part of their playoff roster. He did not make an appearance in the first-round sweep of the Twins but was used twice in the World Series against the Reds. In Game 2, he entered in the fifth and pitched 2 1⁄3 innings, giving up a solo home run to Johnny Bench in the Orioles' 6–5 victory over the Reds.[45] He threw a scoreless ninth inning in Game 4, but the Orioles lost that game 6–5.[46] However, that was the Orioles only loss of the series, and Drabowsky won another World Series ring as the Orioles defeated the Reds in five games.[7]
Drabowsky was traded to the St. Louis Cardinals for Jerry DaVanon on November 30, 1970.[47] He got into 51 games his first season with St. Louis, going 6–1 with a 3.43 ERA, eight saves, and 49 strikeouts in 60 1⁄3 innings pitched.[7] His ERA improved with the Cardinals during the next season; it was at 2.60 through his first 30 games when the club released him August 9. Signed days later by the Chicago White Sox, he became the 6th-oldest player in the American League.[7] Drabowsky saw the end of his career coming in a game against the Boston Red Sox in August. "I threw a fastball [to Tommy Harper], and I watched that ball go to the plate, and I said, ‘When in the world is that ball going to get to the plate?’ I said, ‘Hey, my career is over.’”[5] In 37 games, he had a 1–1 record, a 2.57 ERA, two saves, and 26 strikeouts in 35 innings. He lasted until the end of the year with Chicago, but following his release on October 6, Drabowsky would never pitch again.[7]
Career statistics and pitching style[편집]
In 17 seasons Drabowsky won 88 games, lost 105, saved 55, struck out 1,162 and walked 702 in 1,641 innings pitched, posting a 3.71 ERA.[7] He threw a fastball, curveball, and slider.[30] When the Cubs first signed him, he was a hard-thrower, which helped him tie for second in the league in strikeouts as a rookie. Despite control issues, Drabowsky was supposed to be a future star for the team.[5][17] However, his velocity went down after his arm injury in 1958.[5] “I struggled for a few years after developing arm trouble,” summed up Drabowsky. “Then I made some delivery adjustments and became a pitcher instead of a thrower. I also became a student of the game, analyzing hitter’s strengths and weaknesses, and this is how I survived.”[6]
Later life and coaching[편집]
Following his career, Drabowsky initially worked in other fields. He had a job with the Garden City Envelope Company in Chicago through 1982, following which he worked with a Canadian-owned communications firm. Changing salaries for coaches enabled him to return to baseball in the mid-1980s, and he became the Chicago White Sox' pitching coach in 1986.[5] He then coached White Sox farm teams for several years: the Double-A Birmingham Barons from 1987 to 1988 and the Triple-A Vancouver Canadians from 1989 to 1991.[2][48] Moving to the Cubs' organization in 1993, he served as the team's minor league pitching instructor for a year, then was the Cubs' pitching coach in 1994.[48] After that, he served as the Orioles' minor league pitching instructor in Florida for over ten years, until his death in 2006.[49][50]
Practical joker[편집]
Drabowsky was well known as a prankster whose jokes involved, among other things, being rolled to first base in a wheelchair after claiming to be hit on the foot by a pitch while with the Cubs. (Teammate Dick Drott obtained the wheelchair and pushed Drabowsky to first—and was ejected from the game.[51]) Frequently, he would make prank phone calls with the bullpen phones. While on the road at Anaheim Stadium in California, he once ordered a takeout meal from a Chinese restaurant—in Hong Kong.[8] The year after he left Kansas City, when Baltimore was playing the Athletics on May 27, he called Kansas City's bullpen and, imitating former manager Alvin Dark's voice, ordered Lew Krausse Jr. to warm up, then sit down again. Not until the third call did someone recognize his voice.[5] "You should've seen them scramble, trying to get Lew Krausse warmed up in a hurry," Drabowsky said. "It was really funny."[8] Once, he inserted three goldfish into the other team's water cooler.[52]
Snake pranks were a specialty of Drabowsky's; while he was with the Orioles, he cultivated relationships with a number of pet shops around Baltimore. The stores would loan him their snakes, and Drabowsky managed to scare such famous players as Brooks Robinson, Paul Blair, and Yogi Berra.[5][8][44] During the 1969 World Series, a biplane flew over Memorial Stadium during Game 1 with a banner proclaiming, "Good Luck Birds: Beware of Moe." For Game 2, he got the Baltimore Zoo to deliver a seven-foot black snake to the stadium. Though he was with the Orioles for their next World Series against the Reds, Drabowsky was more subdued in 1970: "When you're in the Series, you have to be careful because [pranks] might backfire."[44] However, this caution did not apparently apply to people off the field, as Drabowsky gave Commissioner Bowie Kuhn a hot foot during the Orioles' 1970 World Series celebration.[8] "You never saw a shoe come off so fast in your life," Drabowsky assessed the effectiveness of that prank.[5]
In 1971, sportswriter Hal Bock was twice the victim of a Drabowsky hot foot during a series in New York (NL President Chub Feeney responded with an official censure.) During the same year, Drabowsky also threw cherry bombs in Chief Noc-A-Homa's teepee on a road trip to Atlanta. After retiring, he continued his jokes during his coaching days. Once, he even got arrested for cruelty to animals; Drabowsky wondered if he had done something unacceptable until he was informed at the police station that it was a joke arranged by his players.[5] In the Jim Bouton book "Ball Four", one of Drabowsky's teammates claimed that Drabowsky got sick on a team flight and "puked up a panty girdle."[53] "There is no bigger flake in organized baseball than Drabowsky," Bouton said.[54]
Polish heritage[편집]
Chicago columnist Mike Royko stated in his annual Cubs quiz, April 11, 1968, that Drabowsky "is still considered the best pitcher that Ozanna, Poland, ever produced."[55] In 1987, Drabowsky took a trip there with Hall of Famer Stan Musial to hold a baseball clinic in Kutno. Though Poland was his birthplace, he needed an interpreter to communicate with the players. "Talent in the raw, this is," Drabowsky characterized the Polish ballplayers with his usual wry sense of humor. "Very raw. Very, very raw. Extremely raw." He and Musial brought the participants baseball equipment donated by the MLB Commissioner's office, training the players on the fundamentals of the game.[56] Drabowsky was inducted into the National Polish-American Sports Hall of Fame in 1999.[6]
In 1957 Drabowsky met his first wife, Elisabeth Johns, a flight attendant for United Airlines, while traveling with his teammates. They were married in 1958 and had two daughters: Myra Beth and Laura Anne.[5][57] A baseball fan, Elisabeth once told a reporter that she had harbored a crush on Dodgers' star Gil Hodges since she was ten.[5] Drabowsky's daughter Laura, played the role of Brenda Madison on Port Charles.[58] After 35 years of marriage, Moe and Elisabeth divorced, and Drabowsky got remarried in 1992.[5][57] During his playing career, he worked as a stockbroker in the offseason.[44] The Sporting News quipped that he came to the major leagues with The Sporting News in one hand and The Wall Street Journal in the other.[5]
Drabowsky died in Little Rock, Arkansas following a long battle with multiple myeloma at age 70 on June 10, 2006.[32] First diagnosed with the disease in 2000 and given six months to live, he survived longer than expected, continuing to coach while undergoing stem cell treatments.[5]
- ↑ 원문: "The arm responded to treatment at first, then I had trouble again. I strained my shoulder favoring the elbow. One thing led to another."
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- ↑ 스크립트 오류: "citation/CS1" 모듈이 없습니다.
- ↑ Durso, Joseph. "Drabowsky Back in Oriole Fold," The New York Times, Wednesday, June 17, 1970. Retrieved March 4, 2023.
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외부 링크[편집]
틀:1966년 볼티모어 오리올스 틀:1970년 볼티모어 오리올스
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- American expatriate baseball players in Canada
- American people of Polish-Jewish descent
- Baltimore Orioles players
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- Chicago Cubs players
- Chicago White Sox coaches
- Chicago White Sox players
- Cincinnati Reds players
- Deaths from cancer in Arkansas
- Deaths from multiple myeloma in the United States
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- Houston Buffs players
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- Major League Baseball pitchers
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- Major League Baseball players from Poland
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